
export interface NJFTextAreaFieldProps {
  label?: {
    text?: string;
    className?: string;
  validation?: {
    displayValidationError?: boolean;
    className?: string;
    position?: NJFNodePositionEnum;
    insideInput?: boolean;
    realtimeValidation?: boolean;
    preventiveValidation?: boolean;
  niceName?: string;
  validationRules?: null | NJFInputValidationRules;
  resetValue?: string;
  icon?: ReactNode;
  placeHolder?: string;
  className?: string;
  inputClassName?: string;
  inputWrapperClassName?: string;
  extraNodesOutSide?: ReactNode[];
  extraNodesInside?: ReactNode[];
  cols?: number;
  rows?: number;
  required?: boolean;

Everything is the same with the NJFTextFieldProps, with the only difference being that min and max properties are not available in NJFTextArea since it can not take number format and that the rows and cols properties are added.

colsnumber?TextArea cols property.
rowsnumber?TextArea rows property.